![Would you like to decorate with](img/img01.jpg)
Our product named Opalight has been developed earliest on and the molding material itself has the fashionable pearly luster. Also they have no sanitary problem because synthetic pearly paints are not contained at all. So our pearly luster tone has been receiving the high evaluation from the cosmetic container industry and instrumental industry for beauty and healthy treatment, also from the toy industry and the interior industry.
![The special system product of the Sanyo-Kako.](img/stttl01.gif)
Opalight is the resin with a special system pattern which Sanyo-Kako proposes.
Above all, Opalight SP is the special system which made it possible the gloss and brightness like the inner side of a shell by using our Pearly luster system when in the injection molding.
The example of use